Folksam invests in six wind farms August 17, 2011 Together with FAM – which is wholly owned by Wallenbergstiftelserna – and Proventus, Folksam is to become a partner in the wind power company PWP AB. The company owns six land-based wind farms with an annual capacity of 0.26 TWh. Folksam’s share of the investment amounts to roughly SEK 200 million.
Financial information: Yield report, January–June 2011 August 16, 2011 Folksam Life Key ratios, January–June 2011 (Comparative figures relate to the corresponding period in the previous year) Total return 3.7 (3.6) per cent Solvency ratio 150 (144) per cent Assets under management SEK 115 (107) billion Collective consolidation ratio 116.0 (113.9) per cent Bonus interest 6.0 (5.0) per cent Bonus interest for KP business area....
Folksam Annual Review 2010 – now in English August 11, 2011 Continued success 2010 was a successful year for Folksam, with sharply increased premium volumes. Folksam gained market shares in several areas during the year, in particular through new unit-linked insurance policies. Assets under management grew by SEK 26 billion during the year and totalled SEK 268 billion at year-end, and the return was good. –....